Friday, January 11, 2008

de Blob

With the Wii at the head of the market, it garners regular criticism (most of it baseless) from its competitors and their fanboys. One of the few legitimate claims is that the Wii is lacking third-party, quality games. It's true, Wii makes the most money off of its many party games and highly-hyped blockbusters like Mario Galaxy published by Nintendo. Not that the only good games on Wii come from Nintendo (Capcom's critically-acclaimed Zack & Wiki comes to mind), it just seems that Wii owners aren't taking chances with anything that hasn't already been proven. Which is a little sad. But, I have to say, I'm guilty. I'm only putting my $50 down if I know I'll be satisfied. But this dilemma begs the question: In an industry dominated by yearly-produced franchises and big-budget sequels, where does the fresh and new come in?
Well, from what I've read and seen of de Blob, it comes big with the fresh and new. It looks to be a leisure game, but really innovative and unlike most of what's currently on the market. Unfortunately, as I've said before, I've got my sights set on one game and one game only. It's easy to understand how a game like this would just go undetected with heavy hitters demanding to be purchased. But, hey, maybe a rental?? I still have to rent Zack & Wiki...

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