Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chuck Goes Gay?? Tell me more...

At the conclusion of season two of GG, Chuck and Blair finally dispensed with all the excuses and admitted their love to each other (at the same time). Heartwarming, wasn't it? The evil schemes these two will plot together this season is one of my main reasons for tuning in. Early buzz for the third season reveals that one of those schemes will involve our favorite motherChucker getting in touch with the roots of his literary counterpart. That is to say, Chuck will (however briefly) be playing for the other team. Will he be getting hot and heavy with his best frenemy Nate?? Read on to find out...

Meet Neal Bledsoe. No, Chuck won't be making out with Nate *pout*. But, I mean, c'mon, how could they explain that? No, Ed will have to settle for Mr. Bledsoe instead, who may not be quite as dreamy as Chace Crawford, but is certainly handsome as far as consolations go. The relatively unknown Bledsoe will play an influential alumnus that Blair will need to manipulate to get her way. Enter a seductive Chuck. Ah, can't wait!

In a recent interview, Neal was asked about his reaction to the role and the slightly controversial smooch. He asserted:

"Things like that shouldn’t matter. Unfortunately for some actors things like that do matter and they’ll turn down projects because of it. I thought it was a really fun episode. I had an awesome time doing it. And I think it would’ve been a shame if I was not open-minded enough to do the episode simply because I had to kiss another man."
Um, swoon. Can we keep him?

Sadly, it would seem that Neal is only sticking around for the one, steamy episode. But, silver lining: he's also scored a role in the upcoming Sex and the City sequel. Good on you, Neal! There's literally four pictures of Bledsoe on the internet as of this posting. But if he keeps pleasing the gays like this, we'll make sure he has a steady paycheck.

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