Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Leona Hits the States!!

She's here, and she's fierce! Check out this new clip for her first single, Bleeding Love, already a hit in most of the world, and #3 on my best of '07 list. Her make-up artist needs a raise or tenure; she looks flawless. Leona's recording two new tracks for her U.S. debut to be released in April. Arguably, Leona made her claim to fame singing other diva's songs and now she's taking one of them on; Mariah's That Chick (goodness, is she really sticking with that title?!) is also scheduled to drop in April. Get her, Leona!


Random J said...

Leona has a great voice and is gorgeous, but she has zero personality and no star quality whatsoever. She isn't taking on Mariah a damn. "That chick" will shut Leona's album down completely. And then there's Madonna who may be dropping her album around that time too and is taking the Hip hop and R&B route witht he help of Timbaland, Pharrell Williams and Kanye West. *sticks finger in throat*

I'm not sure why Leona's people even bothered to have a new video shot for "Bleeding love", because the original video was fine and is miles better than the new one.

Leona's a nice girl with a great voice, but unless she can muster a personality and some sass she won't go far. It's not enough to be able to just sing.

brandon said...

Haha. It'll be interesting to see how far she gets here. You may be right though; she is a little too nice. Nice is bland.

Random J said...

She won't get far. Not with Whitney and Mariah dropping albums this year. Nobody is gonna want the emotionless, non personable knock off when they can get the real things. In terms of a story, a past and some scandal - Mariah's already had a mental breakdown and Whitney is an ex-crackhead. How is Leona gonna compete with that!?