Monday, April 7, 2008

Mariah Leaks - E=MC² Album Review

She finally beat Elvis for the Billboard record for most #1 hit songs, but Mariah's new effort E=MC² leaked in its entirety shortly thereafter. A highly anticipated collection of work indeed, but in my opinion, a slightly disappointing one.

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After listening to the album a few times through, I didn't exactly dislike any of the tracks (though some were more than a little silly) but too few of the songs stood out. Mariah did switch some things up with the production, but the album as a whole feels formulaic and calculated; Mariah's efforts to make an Emancipation part two do not go unnoticed. As tempting as it must have been to use a successful album as a template, it seems that Mimi did more to constrain than guide, and some songs are petty pastiches of tracks that soared on her last disc. I Wish You Well is the most blatant example of this; clearly a knock-off of Fly Like a Bird that falls dreadfully short.

Mariah fans, relax. With the bad out of the way we can get to the good. I love Migrate; following in Mariah's apparent trend to come up with the silliest lyrics possible, it's inherently catchy and Danja's beat definitely doesn't hurt. Mariah's insistence on sticking with what worked last time around means Bye Bye will be the next single instead of Migrate, a mistake in my eyes. Bye Bye is a decent track, destined to make more fans because of its subject matter rather than its melody, but it doesn't measure up to the greatness that was We Belong Together. I'm That Chick is an example of Mimi's influence serving some good; those throwback elements she channeled on Stay the Night grab your attention away from the fact that Mariah's talking about "blazin' up and tasting her." For the Record, the insert song for those tacky perfume ads, is actually one of the best songs on the album. The harmonies are so good they're trippy, and the track can boast the distinction of having the highest note; no small honor on a Mariah album. I'll Be Lovin' U Long Time is classic Mariah. Fans will be blaring this from their car windows all spring and into the summer. And, of course, lead single Touch My Body has a special place in that sticky part of our heads, and on Mariah's mantle.

A decent effort, but no real growth and frankly, just not as good as The Emancipation of Mimi. It's Mariah, though, so the album will be inescapable. Prepare for at least five singles to be released to radio (she's beat Elvis, now she's going for the Beatles) and to listen to this album for the next two years.

1 comment:

Random J said...

This album is going to divide Mariah's fanbase down the middle. *lol*

I disagree with you on this occassion. I think this album is much better than her last because Mariah has never sounded as confident as she does on E=MC² - and this is what really sold it for me.

Her vocals are tight on every track. I don't think Mariah's ever sounded this polished. You can hear the studio trickery, but every bitch in the game be having their vocals tricked out these days. I also love Mariah's new swagger. She kills it on "Cruise control" and "I'll be lovin' U long time". My only criticism is that Jermaine Dupri did too many tracks. "Last kiss" and "Love story" are filler, but everything else is hot.

I also have to give a special mention to my n***a "Migrate". Oh shit... The song is BLAZING! I damn near picked up my cell to speed dial Chante and Ray-Ray until I realized I don't know anybody by those names and I don't have anybody on no speed dial. I LOVE the song. I'd opt for Mariah to release it as a single. But I'm not looking to watch a rubbish video of Mariah looking like a ho with a wind machine trying to dance.

I never thought The emancipation of Mimi was as amazing as people made out. It was a solid album and a definite return to form, but it wasn't amazing to me.