Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Keith Olbermann on the passing of Prop 8

I'd like to know what goes through the minds of the people in support of this proposition as well. I'm having a difficult time understanding it myself.

This, I believe, is the tack that opponents of Prop 8 and similar initiatives need to take on. Many of my gay brethren are inciting me to get angry. To protest and to riot. To stop paying taxes, in some extreme cases. I just don't see what that would accomplish. While I'm sure there are many people who wouldn't support a gay man or woman's right to marry under any circumstance, I really think that many of the people against gay marriage simply believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. And being an angry queer really isn't going to change their position. Calling them discriminatory isn't going to get them to see your point of view. Barack Obama is about to become the first black President of the US and that gives me some assurance that this nation can change for the better. But, Barack didn't get to where he is today by playing the race card and calling the whites who didn't vote for him racist. Instead, he harped on the commonalities, put what makes him different aside and appealed to the wary in a way they could understand and appreciate. Gay activists should take some notes.

Not to be corny, but after Nov. 4th, I feel that nearly anything is possible for this country. (Though, an openly gay president is still a bit of a stretch...) I do believe that Americans will get it right eventually and do right by all its citizens. Understand, though, how infuriating it can feel to be told to wait. I just want to get married someday. Don't worry about explaining it to your kids, it probably won't be a big deal to them.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ok, that was kinda awesome. Like really. Well done, Keith.

I talked to Margaret on election night and she was really really pissed about Prop 8, and told me a lot of the push towards it were propaganda campaigns by Mormons who didn't even live in Cali but rather lived in Utah and really wanted this to pass, so they went around misinforming a lot of people. But that technicality aside, I totally agree with you both in terms of the individuals who voted for it...I just don't understand.